Successful Learners and Learning Coaches

  • Students who choose the Interboro Virtual Academy benefit from the freedom and flexibility of this learning environment. Therefore, Interboro Virtual Academy students should exhibit certain skills and characteristics of a successful virtual learner. We find that our successful learners…

    • are self-directed and will use organizational skills and stamina to succeed in the Virtual Academy.
    • consistently attend and actively participate in all scheduled meetings including synchronous classes, homerooms, and check-ins.
    • manage their time well, follow the daily and weekly schedules for work completion, and submit all
    • work in a timely manner according to the set deadlines.
    • know how to get help (teachers’ office hours, school counselors & social workers, messaging in
    • Schoology, email, Technology Department HelpDesk, etc.)
    • will ask for help as soon as they begin experiencing difficulties with any aspect of virtual learning.
    • are responsible for following all district policies and procedures as outlined in the ISD
  • We consider our parents and guardians to be Learning Coaches because of the support they offer at home. Students continue to need assistance and a watchful eye when they are not in the physical classroom, so we count on Learning Coaches to partner with us to ensure student achievement. We find that our successful learning coaches…

    • ensure that students have access to all the necessary equipment for virtual learning (including consistent internet access) *devices will be supplied by ISD; please contact our Technology HelpDesk if you need assistance with internet access
    • create a quiet, distraction-free environment in which to learn. 
    • devote time each day (recommended at least one hour per subject area) to oversee (but not instruct) students
    • ensure that students are adhering to the scheduled activities and work completion deadlines.
    • ensure that students are free from work and family obligations during scheduled meetings and learning times so that they are able to fully participate in virtual learning.
    • check student attendance and grades on a weekly basis (via HAC and parent access to the learning platform)
    • respond in a timely manner to all communications from the school/district 
    • immediately communicate any concerns with teachers, school counselor, Technology Department HelpDesk, or Virtual Academy supervisor
    • assist students in understanding the daily and weekly schedules for work completion 
    • help students to establish a daily routine for working on the lessons for each subject
    • understand that students are responsible for following all district policies and procedures as outlined in the ISD School Board policies and ISD Student Handbooks