district policy on dress/uniform is available for review. However, we wish to emphasize how important it is that our KA students not only be in school uniform each day but also utilize appropriate footwear.
Parent cooperation is required for our young students to come to school wearing school uniforms and clothing following the dress code as it helps to create a community atmosphere at the school, allowing all of the students to focus on learning without distractions.
Kindergarten students are required to wear sneakers to school.
Soccer shoes, boots, UGG style boots, ballet flats, cowboy boots, slip ons, etc. are not safe and reliable footwear for school. Students move around the building frequently during the day, use the gym during indoor recess, and often use the climbing equipment during outdoor play.
If you child must wear snow or rain boots on inclement weather days, please pack their sneakers in their backpack for changing at school. Label all school clothing. (See KA Handbook for information about boots.)