- Interboro School District
- ARP ESSER Plan Stakeholder Engagement
- Assessment of Needs and Impacts
Assessing Needs and Impacts to inform the ARP ESSER Plan
The Interboro School District will use the following methods to identify impacts in the following areas:
Academic Impact of Lost Instructional Time
- 2021 PSSA scores
- Comparative NWEA MAP Growth scores
- Local early literacy assessments
- iXL Diagnostic data
- Number of students referred for special education testing
- Number of students enrolled in summer school
- Number of secondary students needing credit recovery
- Rates of High School course failure
- High School graduation rates
- Number of Extended School Year referrals
Chronic Absenteeism
- Log of home visits for students who are not attending school conducted by Interboro SD Social Work/family and school visitor team
- Number of School Attendance Improvement Plan (SAIP) meetings
- Number of truancy citations issued by Interboro SD
- Daily attendance
Student Engagement
- Multiple surveys to District stakeholders (parent, teacher, student) beginning in spring 2020
- High School Drop out rate
- Number of requests for non-traditional educational programming (SY 20-21 - District's iSync and iCyber programs; SY 21-22 District's Virtual Learning Academy)
- Number of student referrals for academic support programs
- Rates of High School course failure
Social-emotional Well-being
- Secondary Student Sense of Belonging Data
- Student Assistance Plan (SAP) Team referrals and logs Assessment Data
- Data from Pennsylvania Youth Survey (PAYs)
- Multiple surveys to District stakeholders (parent, teacher, student) beginning in spring 2020