Meaningful Consultation with Stakeholders

  • Throughout the pandemic, the Interboro School District determined its most important educational needs in the following ways: Sustained work with Grade Level Liaisons and Subject Area Coordinators; Research and coordination with county COVID-19 task force, Chester County Health Department, and Delaware County Intermediate Unit; Administration of needs assessment/perceptual surveys to critical stakeholders (staff; parents; students) and analysis of data; Facilitation of variety of re-opening workgroups (Community Outreach; Cyber/Virtual; Elementary, Middle, and High School Teaching and Learning; Food Services; Special Education and Related Services; Student Safety and Wellness; Staff Safety and Wellness); and continued formative and summative assessments of students and analysis of data and curriculum.

    In planning for the use of ARP ESSER funds, the Interboro School District administered a community needs assessment to stakeholders who represent the specific interests of students to inform the District during the planning process. Stakeholders included parents/guardians, teachers, non-instructional professional staff members, support staff, building and District administrators, students, and community members. Stakeholders provided anonymous input on the District’s use of ARP-ESSER funding in response to the COVID-19 pandemic in areas including overall District priorities, prevention and mitigation strategies, strategies for addressing unfinished learning/ learning gaps, and student social-emotional needs.

    Additional focus group meetings with teachers and secondary students as well as administrative-led walkthroughs were utilized to prepare for a full return to learning during the 21-22 school year. Groups met by statutory area to discuss needs for classroom organization, distancing, and mediation that would provide for a healthy and academically successful return to learning. 


    Results of ARP ESSER Community Needs Assessment conducted Fall 2021